This is my website to show my progression through my canine therapy course.
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Canine Therapy involves several types of therapy that are beneficial in unique ways for different conditions and cases.
Massage therapy involves a non-invasive hands on approach where soft tissue structures are manipulated to prevent and relieve pain, discomfort, muscle spasms and stress. Massage increases blood flow, bringing oxygen to body tissues which is beneficial for circulation. It rehabilitates animals from muscular injury and helps to support orthopaedic issues like arthritis. It can also be used with sporting and senior dogs to improve flexibility and range of motion. Overall, it improves the functioning of the circulatory, lymphatic, muscular, skeletal, digestive, nervous systems and skin. It also improves the rate at which the body recovers after injury.
Hydrotherapy is a form of therapeutic exercise carried out in warm water in either a pool or underwater treadmill. Water allows the dog to exercise in a partial or non-weight bearing environment, giving increased circulation to muscles, increased joint flexibility and reduced pain.