As part of the Professional Skills Module we had research a topic, then create and present a poster to the class. My poster was on how a single hydrotherapy session can increase range of motion and stride length in Labrador retrievers diagnosed with elbow dysplasia (Preston and Wills, 2018). My poster included an introduction, methods they used, statistics, results and a conclusion.
In the lead-up to my presentation, I wasn’t as nervous as I thought because I had prepared well for the presentation and had practiced reading it through. During the presentation, I could have projected my voice more towards the back of the room and gave more eye contact however from my feedback I scored highly in this.
Below is my presenter feedback from a class member. Next time I present, I will project my voice more clearly and make more eye contact as well as engage more with the audience by asking questions. I had a script so next time I would like to read freely so I don’t have to look down at the script. The feedback I received was useful for me to look back on and to then improve for my next presentation.
Reference List:
Preston, T. and Wills, A.P. (2018). A single hydrotherapy session increases range of motion and stride length in Labrador retrievers diagnosed with elbow dysplasia. The Veterinary Journal, 234, pp.105–110. doi: